Last night, we learned about flannel, corsets, and slippers with Hilary Davidson during our “Dressing with Jane Austen” event. Hilary had provided us with some fantastic suggest reading material, available both free online and for sale through various vendors.
Blog Posts
Hilary has written widely on fashion and dress in this Regency period, particularly about the fashions surrounding Jane Austen’s life and novels. You can read her fantastic blog posts here:
"Costuming in the EMMA. Movie with Fashion Historian Hilary Davidson," Austen Prose--A Jane Austen Blog. March 12, 2020.
"Tight Breeches and Loose Gowns: Going Deep on the Fashion of Jane Austen," Lit Hub. December 10, 2019.
Online Collections
Hilary has helped us out by drawing up some useful searches from the online databases of museums. Click the links to explore these online collections with photos of Regency dress and clothing.
Books for Sale
In addition to Hilary’s fantastic new book Dress in the Age of Jane Austen (which you can purchase yourself here), she also recommend these fantastic books to learn more about making your own Regency clothing. (Did you know that by using Amazon Smile, you can donate a portion of all Amazon purposes to the Jane Austen Summer Program at no extra cost to you? Click here to try it out!)
Percoco, Cassidy. Regency Women’s Dress: Techniques and Patterns 1800-1830. London: Batsford, 2015.
Arnold, Janet. Patterns of Fashion 1: Englishwomen’s Dresses and Their Construction. c.1660-1860. London: Macmillan, 1972.